


at The Merkabah

Welcome to the high vibe ascension shop

Stocking a stunning range of Crystals, Oracle Cards, Spiritual & Cleansing Tools to inspire, enlighten & support you on your beautiful soul journey.

As a crystal keeper my mission is to align you with crystals & spiritual items that may assist you in your healing & ascension process, keep you vibin high, in balance & grounded.

It is an absolute honour to be in service to you


Each crystal is cleared, aligned to source energy and grounded into its original vibration prior to being unearthed, then connected to you before the journey home.

I intuitively choose each crystal & the majority, where possible are physically handpicked. Spiritual tools, tarot/oracle decks stocked have been chosen with careful consideration & are all items I would use myself both personally & professionally.

Crystals are chosen for their vibe, uniqueness & quality from trustworthy & reputable local suppliers with an industry experience expanding over 30 years.

I believe

Crystals really do choose you 

I encourage you to intuitively allow the crystal/s to choose you and invite you to focus on the crystal, connect with its energy rather than the written words.

The information available on the metaphysical properties can help trigger you to choose the crystal & it may also create an expectation & block its purpose with you.

I provide a very brief overview with key words which may not resonate, yet the crystal is calling you. Please don’t let that discourage you, it can be a great way to develop & trust your intuition. Crystals have many, many healing properties far too many to list & how you work with the crystal will be unique to you and will no doubt vary with each time you use it.

Not connecting with what you want?

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Let Me Find What You Are looking For

The Mystic – Personal & Custom Shopping Service. Intuitively sourcing & selecting items aligning to your higher self.

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The Crystal – Intuitive Crystal Reading.

Top 5 crystals to support you in the current energies.

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